Friday, August 26, 2011

Where to start?

I have had this blog for several weeks now and have been trying to figure out where/how to start.  Do I go thru a history or just jump right into the present?  In the meantime, cute/funny things have happened that I immediately thought "I could put that on the blog"!  So I guess I'll just start with the right now.
After all, it's time to get this party started!!!!

This blog will be a mixture of family, kids, events and crafts. I want it to be full of memories for my girls to look back on one day.  I might "borrow" some ideas the more I blog from other bloggers that I follow......imitation is the truest form of flattery, right? :)   I hope to update it often (and if Santa brings me a laptop for Christmas then I can)!  I spend way to much time sitting on this computer downstairs "working" and a laptop will put me where I love to be most, sitting in bed next to my sweetie!
For now, it's bedtime the girls.  Early rising for #1's baseball game at 9am! I'll try to get some fun stuff on here this weekend!  I hope you enjoy the blog....... these are our memories and our good times!  Thanks for stopping by!  - Tracey

Go White Sox!!!!